ICE-USV edition I

November, 02 - 04, 2017

The International Fair of Innovation and Creative
Education for Youth (ICE-USV)

Suceava, ROMANIA,

November, 02 - 04, 2017

Responding to the objectives provided in the Europe 2020 Strategy and in the National Strategy for Tertiary Education 2015 - 2020, the "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava has assumed the role of "catalyst of creativity and innovation in Romanian society" becoming in recent years national leader both in regarding the number of patent applications as well as the number of patents obtained, according to the rankings made by the State Office of Inventions and Trademarks for the university environment. These results have been achieved through the education and massive involvement of PhD students, master students and even from the undergraduate cycle in the field of invention and scientific creativity.

The manifestation includes:

- Invention and innovation salon with exhibition stands for young people (judging and prizes)

- Workshops and presentations about creativity in all social areas (10-InSTED - 10 minutes about Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Design)

Organized by:

Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania (

Romanian Inventors Forum (

Romanian General Association of Engineers (

Event organized with support and financing of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research

The edition takes place synchronously onsite and online. Participants can opt for online participation. The organizers provide accommodation and meals for the participants who will participate onsite.

Important dates:

October, 09, 2017 - Deadline for submitting your application forms;
October, 13, 2017 - Communication of acceptance of the paper;
November, 02 - 04, 2017 - The event.

Scientific Committee of the event:

  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Valentin POPA - President
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai DIMIAN - Vice President
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian GRAUR
  • Prof. univ. dr. ing. DHC Radu MUNTEANU
  • Prof. Dr. Valeriu DULGHERU
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihail Aurel ŢÎŢU
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ștefan Gheorghe PENTIUC
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Gheorghe GUTT
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ilie MUSCĂ
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan MIHAI
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Sorin Gheorghe PAVEL
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Dumitru PENTIUC
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexandru MARIN
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Marian POBORONIUC
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Marinel TEMNEANU
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea OROIAN
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aurora-Adina COLOMEISCHI
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doina Maria SCHIPOR
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Daniela IRIMIA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Otilia CLIPA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ovidiu NEMEŞ
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Cezar Dumitru POPA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai RAŢĂ
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ovidiu SCHIPOR
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Constantin DULUCHEANU
  • Lect. Dr. Virgil Adrian MOROȘAN LARIONESCU
  • Lect. dr. Eng. Andrei Victor SANDU
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Constatin UNGUREANU

The organizing committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Eng. L. Dan MILICI - coordinator
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Elena Crenguța BOBRIC
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriela RAȚĂ
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Elena Daniela OLARIU
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Cristina PRODAN
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Gabriel CRAMARIUC
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Ciprian AFANASOV
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Corneliu BUZDUGA
  • Lect. Dr. Eng. Valentin VLAD
  • Dr. Eng. Ilie NIŢAN
  • Dr. Eng. Mihaela PAVĂL - Secretariat

President of the Organizing Committee: Dr. Mihai DIMIAN - Vice-Rector

Program coordinator: Dr. Eng. L. Dan MILICI,

Secretary: Dr. Mihaela POIENAR,

Contact: (+4) 0741221406


The program of the event:


     02.11.2017 Arrival of participants

      14:00 Visit of historical and cultural objectives

      18:00 Working meeting and arrangement of stands

      19:30 Dinner


      08:00 breakfast

      09:00 Finalization of the stands arrangement

      10:00 Opening ceremony

      11:00 Judging

      14:00 Lunch

       15:00 Workshops and presentations

- Stimulating creativity - moderators Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doina Schipor and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Oidiu Schipor.

- Creativity and emotional intelligence - moderators Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adina Colomeischi and Lect. Dr. Liliana Bujor.

- 10InSTED (10 minutes for Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering, Design)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doina Schipor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ovidiu Schipor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adina Colomeischi, ...

       18:00 Awards ceremony

       19:00 Dinner

       20:00 Cultural program

04.11.2017 08:00 breakfast

       09:00 Themed trip to UNESCO objectives in Bucovina

       14:00 Lunch

       Departure of participants


National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Malaysia

  • Shih Yang Lung; Electrically Heated Welding Torch with Stepless Welding Power Adjustment
  • Shih Yang Lung; 3D Magic Twisty Toy

Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

  • Fakhryna Hannanee Ahmad Zaidi, Nur Huwaini Jailani; Geocrete for Underwater Structure
  • Nur Nadiah 'Izzati Zulkifli, Mohd Izrul Izwan Ramli, Rita Mohd Said; A Robust Green Nano-Geopolymer Ceramic Reinforced Lead Free Solder For High Strength Electric/Electronic Interconnect Application

OFEED Marocco, Maroc

  • Majid El Bouazzaoui; Intelligent device for automatically changing the orientation of a photovoltaic panel

State Senior High School, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • I Gusti Ngurah Kusadhara Prema Dyotavaro, Ketut Utari Mustika Putri; Super capacitor from tofu waste

Pui Ching Middle School, Macau, China

  • Han Lang; Wake you up

Creative & Advanced Research Based On Nanomaterials (CARBON) Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

  • Chandra Shekhar Sharma, Shital Yadav, Illa Mani Pujitha, Tulika Rastogi, Electrospun Nanofibers based Sanitary Napkins

EMSI Rabat, SmartiLab, Maroc, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta - USA, UEB, INSA de Rennes, IETR, Rennes - France

  • H. Griguer, Manos M. Tentzeris, A. Nauroze, M. Drissi; Flexible Metamaterial Absorber

Don State Technical University, Southern Federal University, Rusia

  • Miroshnichenko Igor Pavlovich, Parinov Ivan Anatolievich, Optical Device for Contactless Measurement of the Small Spatial Displacements of Control Object Surfaces

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Nina Penkova, Andriana Surleva, Veselin Iliev, Kalin Krumov, Zlatka Geshkova, Liliana Zashkova, Ivan Kasabov; Parametric analysis and estimation of efficiency of transparent structures in solar energy utilization systems

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Norton University, Cambodia

  • Hor Seanghuy, Vann Mengly, El Eseor, Chan Mithona; The fire alarm notification system using GPRS

Academia Forţelor Terestre "Nicolae Bălcescu" din Sibiu

  • Răzvan Parfenov, Laura Barbu; Concepţia, proiectarea şi realizarea practică a unei aeronave fără pilot la bord cu decolare şi aterizare pe vertical
  • Mălinescu Florin-Irinel, Stanciu Elena Adelia; Modificarea parametrilor constructivi și funcționali ai unui motor de producție în masă pentru creșterea performanțelor și scăderea consumului de combustibil

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca - Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare, Departamentul de Informatică - Oficiul de Informatizare și Comunicații, Baia Mare

  • Bogdan-Vasile Cioruța; MathApp Works! v. 2.0 - platformă educațională de matematică aplicată pentru dispozitive mobile cu Android

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca - Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare, Departamentul de Informatică - Oficiul de Informatizare și Comunicații, Baia Mare, Facultatea de Inginerie - Departamentul de Ingineria Resurselor Minerale, Materialelor și a Mediului

  • Bogdan-Vasile Cioruța, Ana-Mirela Coman, Marcela Hreniuc; SoilAppMonitor - agendă de teren pentru dispozitive mobile cu SO Android

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca

  • Olimpiu Mureșan, Nicoleta Ilieș, Calin Gherman, Dorin Moldovan, Iulia Prodan, Vasile Chiorean, Andor Nagy; Stabilizarea pământurilor cu deșeuri din plastic in vederea îmbunătățirii caracteristicilor fizice si mecanice
  • Ancuţa Elena Tiuc, Tiberiu Rusu, Ovidiu Nemeş; Procedeu de obținere a unui material compozit fonoabsorbant
  • Doru Baldean, Florin Mariasiu, Nicolae Vlad Burnete; Metodă de alimentare multicombustibil a motoarelor cu ardere internă cu aerosoli produși prin ultrasonare din biocombustibili pe bază de alcooli

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei

  • Ion Rabei, Gavril Porcescu, Marin Guțu; Turbine eoliene cu ax vertical combinată
  • Ion Cozma, Valeriu Odainâi, Stanislav Slobodeaniuc; Sistem de conversie a energiei solare fotovoltaice
  • Valeriu Odainâi, Andrei Platon, Marin Guțu; Turbine eoliene cu ax orizontal de putere mica

Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Tehnica - IFT Iaşi

  • N. Iftimie, R. Steigmann, G.S. Dobrescu, N.A. Danila, C.A. Tugui; Monitorizarea integritatii structurale a palelor de turbina eoliana utilizand diferite metode de testare nedistructiva
  • Cătălin Andrei Țugui, Manuela Perju, Gabriel Dobrescu; Îmbunătățirea fiabilității paletelor propulsoare ale portavioanelor prin creșterea rezistenței la uzură hidroabrazivă

University Malaysia Perlis/ "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi

  • M.G. Minciuna, P. Vizureanu, A. V. Sandu, B. A. Mohd Mustafa, A. M. S. Mohd Arif; A Method of Producing a Biocompatible Cobalt-Based Alloy

Universitatea Ștefan cel Mare Suceava

  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Sergiu Dan Pața, Mihai Cenușă, Mihaela Poienar; Actuator liniar cu bimetal
  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Mihaela Poienar; Micropompă electromecanică
  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Mihaela Poienar, Sergiu Dan Pața; Micropompă electromecanică de vid și presiune
  • Mihaela Poienar, Mihai Cenușă, Ovidiu Țanța; Actuator heliotermic cu lamelă bimetalică
  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Sergiu Dan Pața, Mihai Cenușă, Mihaela Poienar; Actuator heliotermic
  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Sergiu Dan Pața, Mihai Cenușă, Mihaela Poienar; Stand pentru testare

Universitatea Ștefan cel Mare Suceava, Colegiul Național Mihai Eminescu

  • Dumitru Cernușcă, Sergiu Dan Pața, Mihai Cenușă, Mihaela Poienar, Claudiu Nitan, Sistem autonom pentru orientarea panourilor solare
  • Claudiu Nitan, Bogdan Breaban; ChargeFitness

Colegiul Naţional "Nicu Gane" Fălticeni

  • Gabor Mihai Sebastian, Ungureanu Gabriel; Smart Home Lifestyle
"Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Universității Street, number 13, 720229 Suceava, Romania, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 230 520 080, Email: 
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