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This regulation establishes the methodology for the progress and the awarding of the International Fair of Invention and Creative Education for Youth, ICE-USV, fifth edition, organized by the "Ștefan cel Mare", University of Suceava.

Article 1. Purpose

The project is dedicated both to promoting and encouraging student inventions and scientific creation and also for disseminating successful examples regarding creative education, raising awareness in society of the importance and the contribution brought by young researchers in technological development.

The exhibition event aims to increase the interest of the young generation for innovation in all fields of knowledge, establishing bridges between young people with common concerns, highlighting the elements of innovation and inventiveness that has as young researchers (students, master students, doctoral students, doctors and researchers with a maximum age of 35).

Article 2. Thematic categories

Works from all fields of applied sciences and engineering are accepted, which can represent solutions or technical achievements in a field of knowledge and which present novelty and progress towards the known stage, but do not affect the moral, the right to life or the security of any kind of persons.

Article 3. Registration in the competition

Each registered work must be accompanied by a registration form (Annex 1) sent to the organizers at least 25 days before the start of the event (according to the calendar) at the mentioned addresses.

The registration form must contain the purpose, the procedure/ method underlying the work, information regarding the accomplishment of the work, conclusions, other elements that are representative for the work and which highlight the innovative activity of the authors.

Copies of the authors' identity card will be attached to the registration form.

Article 4. Acceptance of works

The files of the works proposed and sent according to the calendar at the email address, are analyzed by the Scientific Committee of the event regarding the creative, deontological, scientific, technological and engineering level, and the authors will receive, according to the calendar, the decision regarding the acceptance of the work in the manifestation program.

Article 5. The manifestation

The event will begin with an opening festivity where the organizers and the jury will be presented.

The organizers will provide sufficient time in the program for arranging the stands before judging the works.

The evaluation of the works will consist in presenting the work by the authors and clarifying some aspects at the request of the members of the jury. The time required for the judging will be according to the complexity of the work, the way it was presented by the authors and the clarification of all aspects related to the judging grid.

The event will end with an award ceremony in which the main conclusions of the jury and the organizers of the event will be score.

The event will include a session of workshops and presentations on creative education and the role of creative thinking in the context of sustainable development.

The program will also include social, cultural and sports activities designed to strengthen the links between the participants and allow the generation of an environment conducive to the exchange of ideas and information.

The presentation of the research results within the exhibition, depending on the capacity of the exhibition location, is logistically and financially supported by the organizing institution with the help of the partners and sponsors of the event.

Organizers do not provide funds for moving teams or transporting exhibits.

Article 6. Presentation of the works during the event

The work may be presented as a poster (mandatory) and / or exhibited (recommended).

The maximum poster size is 80 x 120 cm. The posters will be visible, will strictly refer to the project and will be displayed vertically.

Maximum size of the exhibit (model, layout): depth 50 cm (front to back), width 80 cm (from one side to the other), height 180 cm (bottom to top). The exhibit may contain calculation techniques included in the model or for the presentation of graphic elements related to the project (photos, films, graphics, simulations, modeling, etc.). Files and notation regarding the tests or determinations made in the experiments can be attached to the model.

Article 7. Elements of ethics and deontology

Scientific fraud and immoral behavior are not accepted at any level of the event. This includes: plagiarizing, using or presenting other people's ideas as their own projects.

The projects that prove fraud will be removed from the competition and the intention will be popularized in the educational and scientific environment.

Article 8. Mandatory requirements

Participants must accept the following rules:

- All projects must respect the ethical elements presented above.

- The introduction of pathogens, toxic chemicals or any dangerous substances in the exhibition area is forbidden.

- The exhibits must comply with the exposure and safety requirements set out in this Regulation.

- It is the responsibility of each participant to check the requirements and restrictions of the competition.

- It is required to respect the calendar, the program of the event as well as the conditions of registration.

Article 9. Judging

The approval of the participation in the competition will be made on the basis of the Registration Form and will be made by the scientific committee of the event.

The jury will be made up of personalities with concerns in the field of invention and innovation at national level, university professors, representatives of companies, organizers and sponsors, science journalists.

The judging will be done through individual discussions of the jury members with the author of the project, the study of the registration form and the exhibits.

The jury criteria will take into account:

- The actual activity of the young participant in the presented project;

- Respecting scientific and / or mathematical rigour;

- The importance and relevance of the project in the field;

- The level of deepening of the theme;

- The novelty level of the presented project;

- Design and activity of the young participant in order to achieve the project objectives.

In the discussions between the jury and the participants will be followed:

- Creativity,

- The scientific approach, the complexity of the study approach that led to the completion of the theme,

- The usefulness of the proposed solution,

- Clarity of project presentation (visual and oral).

The hierarchy of works established by the jury is considered final and no contestations, discussions or completions regarding the judging procedure are accepted.

Article 10. Warnings

It is not allowed to use on the presented stand:

- Living organisms;

- Living or fluid tissue elements of the human or animal body (blood, urine, etc.);

- Dangerous or highly odorous chemical materials;

- Hazardous substances or devices (poison, drugs, weapons, ammunition, sharp devices, with the risk of breakage, flammable substances, unprotected lasers, generators and sources of ionizing radiation, ultraviolet or infrared, open flame);

- Devices at risk in operation for the competitor or for the public (eg damaged batteries, voltage sources or capacitors with dangerous voltage and with uninsulated terminals, etc.)

- Prizes, medals previously obtained by the competitor, bank cards, flags, company logos or institutions (except the represented institution), contracts and / or approvals (graphic or written) unless they are fully included in the project ;

- Photographs or visual representations describing animals in surgical techniques, dissections, necropsies or other laboratory procedures, minors (except when the parents' agreement exists).

"Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Universității Street, number 13, 720229 Suceava, Romania, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 230 520 080, Email: 
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